The appliances arrived today! The delivery company showed up with 2 guys, but had to return with 6 to gret the stove in! Work also continued in the kitchen - bead board went on the island and detail around the bottom of the cabinets. We have also decided to replace the tar stained brick on the corner of the house.
The mason worked on removing the bricks from the retaining wall today. The hope is to salvage enough to redo one of the walls with orginal brick.
Today they started stripping the floors. They will be covered until the final sanding and finish coats.
Work continued on lower cabinets and bench seat today. We also decided to remove the bead board on the entry porch. The electricians have also been working to set the panels.
Today the crown molding in the front living room was reinstalled. It was the only room on the first floor that had painted trim. We removed the crown and had it taken off site to be stripped. The furnace all went in today.
Today the upper cabinets started to go in. We also finished stripping the inside of the carriage doors.
Today they patched some of the old floor that was stained and beyond repair.
Today they started installation of the new kitchen floor. They also continued sanding work upstairs.

Today they started patch work on the upstairs floor (the first picture above show the patch that used to be the cat stain…). They also started to rough sand the upstairs. The floors will then be covered until the rest of the work is complete – they will return later in the project to finish sand and apply stain as the last piece of the renovation.