We decided to hydroseed the yard. Given that we have irrigation we are told to excepct germination in approximately 10 days.
Front path gets installed. It is made of old street pavers that we found in the backyard while clearing the brush.
The first set of carriage doors went on today. We will be installing openers on the doors.
First plants start going in! It's finally starting to look like a home.
We started prep work for the paver sidewalk to the front porch. We're still working on a pattern/design for the street pavers we found
We are running drain tile from the front downspouts to get water away from the house.
We thoroughly cleaned the main fireplace tiles and the extra tiles found in the attic. We will be replacing a cracked and missing tile with those found in the attic.
Irrigation crew arrives to start installation. They start with hand digging bed irrigation.
Landscapers completed rough grade, general clean up, and marked out beds. Ready for irrigation.